After the Chapter Debriefs for Fiction Writers and Novelists
A good story smuggles in a splash of one's life like a two-finger snort from a pocket flash. All stories are, in essence, bootlegs from our own adventure. We kick out some thousands of words, then push back from our desks and stagger away for relief, but also to refill from the endless well. These are debriefs by bootlegger in-transit Asher Black.
"I always loved bootleg albums growing up because they created a lasting record of events that would otherwise have been lost. They presented unguarded performances of raw material—pure—not sanitized amalgams. The essence of bootlegging, rather than being transgressive, is candor. I like crafting stories replete with moments smuggled out of one's life like "contraband for the soul™. In that sense, I think true stories are honest ones and therefore autobiographical, regardless of genre." - Asher Black
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